My New Art Book
In my Blog entry titled “A Lifetime of Art” my focus was on the feelings that were aroused in me by remembering the events in my life that influenced my artworks. Those paragraphs in that post became the Forward for “A Lifetime of Art'“ I did not give details regarding the actual book and it’s contents other than to say it contains images and text about those images. This was intentional as the pages of the book were being edited and combed over for any and all errors and inconsistencies. The actual compiling of all the elements which I poured into the book had to be thought out, chewed over and somewhat pulled from the abyss. Looking back over 55 years was challenging to get the sequencing and proper order of events somewhat to where they made sense. In the writing, there where choices to be made like the Bob Seger lyric “what to leave in, what to leave out” Luckily I hadn’t discarded many of my artworks over the years and to this day find it hard to throw away something I’ve spent time creating.