Linoleum Block Printing Process

In this video I show a very limited snippet of the Linoleum Block Printing process in 6 steps. Each step has to happen in its appropriate order once the actual process is begun of your carved block. In this video I talk about my two favorite steps out of the 6 mentioned. The order in which each step takes place enables the next steps success. There are many variables within each step not discussed in this presentation. Take for instance the very first step drawing or transferring the image onto the block. Because linoleum block printing is a relief printing technique the image you draw onto the surface of the block, linoleum, will print opposite directionally than drawn. What does this mean? images will be reversed on your paper from what you drew on your block. If you draw an object with a right facing orientation it will print facing left. This becomes very evident when trying to print words. You must draw a word backwards onto the block for it to print readable as you intended. Once you understand this principal of relief printing you can plan your drawing accordingly for success. In another of the steps “inking the block” applying the ink with your brayer is at first a learning experience because getting just the right amount of ink onto the block is learned with practice. So expect that you will have some trail and error sessions at first. Too much ink, and your print will lack detail and crispness, too little ink and your result will be spotty ink coverage and incomplete areas of ink. It is only after taking note of what you did correctly when inking your block that you will start to acquire a method for inking correctly each time. And even then you’ll have mishaps with your inking at times. Don’t let that deter you, the satisfaction of learning and mastering each of the 6 steps shown in the video becomes more gratifying each successive printing.


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